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Economy & Finance
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ShareAction aims to transform the financial system to prioritize the planet and people, making responsible investment a standard practice. They highlight that Europe's largest banks have inadequate green finance strategies, risking the misleading of stakeholders. ShareAction calls for support in their ongoing engagement with these banks and their investors, asking them to step up and power the net zero future we need. They collaborate with various stakeholders, including asset managers and owners, charities, and individual retail investors, to hold banks accountable. By attending the Annual General Meetings of the world's biggest banks, they are directly challenging the directors for improved commitments to green finance.
Our banks invest the money we deposit, and the financing decisions they make today influence the world we live in tomorrow. For that reason, the financial system is fundamental to tackling climate change. Without reforming it, other measures to combat the crisis will only have limited impact.
It has been made clear that reaching ‘net zero’ means no new oil and gas fields. Sadly, European banks are some of the biggest culprits in financing fossil fuel projects – even though they’re risky, damaging and urgently need to be phased out. Since 2016, European banks have provided over $400B to the top 50 companies expanding oil and gas production, financing most of that through capital markets.
To reach a liveable future under 2°C global warming, our financial system must phase out fossil investments. This means holding banks accountable by using strategies that hit home. For example, ShareAction works with investors to ensure European banks begin following best practice. If they don’t, ShareAction helps investors to raise their voice at impactful moments – like at annual general meetings (AGMs), where shareholders (re-)evaluate the worth of their investment; or through filing shareholder resolutions.
The global financial system requires a shift away from financing companies that drive carbon emissions towards financing companies that reduce them. ShareAction’s work accelerates that shift. They publish in-depth research to inform investors’ engagements with banks on climate change, spotlight important issues, and lead best practice in the European banking sector.
Europe’s largest banks have a huge role to play to increase the flow of capital into green alternatives, however their green finance strategies have so far fallen under everyone’s radar. ShareAction's recent analysis of the green finance targets and disclosures of Europe’s largest 20 publicly listed banks revealed that most green finance targets are not fit for purpose and risk misleading customers and investors.
"With only a few years left to prevent the worst impacts of climate change, it’s vital that banks ensure their funding accelerates, not hinders, the transition to net zero."
ShareAction is an independent charity and an expert on responsible investment. They work to build a world where the financial system serves our planet and its people. They set ambitious standards for how financial institutions, through their investment decisions, can protect our planet and its people and campaign for this approach to become the norm. They convene shareholders to collectively push companies to tackle the climate crisis, protect nature, improve workers’ rights and shape healthier societies.
Supporting ShareAction's ongoing engagement with these banks and their investors will push them to step up and power the net zero future we need. Working with many stakeholders including asset managers, asset owners, charities and individual retail investors will help them understand the issues and help ShareAction hold the banks to account. Attending company Annual General Meetings (AGMs), ShareAction challenges directors directly and this year is attending the AGMs of the biggest banks to ask for improved commitments to green finance. They can’t do this alone and time is running out before catastrophic change is irreversible.
Banks have actionable roadmaps to net-zero by 2050. When ShareAction published their first banking survey in 2017, not one EU bank had committed to net-zero – and now, they all have.
Policymakers revise legislation, so that banks and financial institutions understand their role, and the responsibilities that come with it. Environmentally destructive business practices will no longer be incentivised.
Daniel Kruse
Hub Project Lead, Active Philanthropy
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